The Story So Far...

Hey there! I'm an entrepreneur living and working in Central Florida, but my roots are in North Carolina.

Software Dev

I have extensive experience in the software development industry, and my projects all tend to have some flavor of forward-thinking focus.

I'm a huge fan of artificial intelligence, and I believe it can be used to usher in a new era of prosperity for the human race. In the short term, we have ensure the technology is used to help humanity rather than control it.


I enjoy creating, and over the past few years I haven't been able to take the time to create art because I've been wrapped up in survival mode. I like taking pictures. I like shooting and editing video. I even like to write on occasion. Do I intend to make a living from it? No. Art doesn't need to be commercialized to be worthwhile.

People First

The fatal flaw of our end-stage capitalist society is often that it leaves humans out of the equation. The projects I work on are meant to help people accomplish more while the tech gets out of their way. If you're doing it right, people don't know or care what underlying technology you're using; it's what they can do with your product or service that ultimately matters.

Politically Progressive

While capitalism has undeniably helped to life billions of human beings out of poverty and improved the quality of life for entire nations, it is also the fatal flaw of American society. It has led to enormous suffering, and as capitalism enters its death spiral, we must set a course to the type of society we want to live in.

I believe that we must prioritize systems that prioritize human health and well-being in a way that is fair and equitable for everyone. When people have their basic needs met, their creativity can flourish. I believe that we must intentionally create a society where this is prioritized; it isn't going to happen by accident.

Spiritual Explorer

I grew up as an Evangelical Christian. I discarded my faith in 2012 and lived as an atheist for more than a decade. Over the past 18 months, I've been reconnecting with that side of myself. It feels like I've wandered off the map in a sense, and it feels like an adventure; one I'm excited to explore.